Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Remembering Avery Lynn Canahuati (11/11/11-04/30/12)

Do you remember your first kiss?
Have you ever thrown the first pitch at a baseball game?
Ever been featured on the news?
Did you ever get a tattoo?
Remember the first thing you built with your daddy?
Receive a letter from the President?
Have you built a fan base numbering in the millions?
Have you ever raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for a cause?

Well I would like to take the time to introduce to you little Avery Lynn Canahuati.  Avery was able to manage all of the above plus many more in just her short 5 months here on earth.
Avery Lynn Canahuati Newborn
Picture of Avery Lynn Canahuati from her blog http://averycan.blogspot.com
Avery was born Nov. 11, 2011 in Houston, TX to her proud parents Mike and Laura.  Avery was a beautiful baby girl and appeared perfectly healthy.  As with any new parent your mind fills with dreams and aspirations for the future.  As the months passed Laura noticed that Avery was not progressing as well as she should.  After having tests performed Mike and Laura received the call on Apr. 6, 2012 notifying them that their beautiful little daughter in deed had SMA Type I.

Like most of us Laura and Mike had no idea what SMA was at the time.  After the diagnosis and dealing with the short life span their daughter was offered the Canahuati's chose not to sit around and cry for their pending loss.  Instead they created Avery's Bucket List.  Avery was an instant hit.  Everyone who visited the site fell in love with little Avery.  Avery took advantage of every day and tried to keep everyone updated through her blog posts.  Like the day she got her "Glam Tube" http://averycan.blogspot.com/2012/04/aint-nothing-but-g-tuuuuube-baaaaabay.html or the day she threw out the first pitch at the Sugarland Skeeters Game http://averycan.blogspot.com/2012/04/take-me-out-to-ballgame.html .  Through her daddy Mike we were walked through the moments of Avery's life.

Avery Lynn passed away on Apr. 30, 2012 after a lung collapsed sending her into cardiac arrest.  But in her short time on earth little Avery did things that some will not do in their entire life.
Avery Lynn Canahuati - Never Lost Her Smile
This photo was taken just moments before Avery's lung collapsed. SMA never took her smile away.
Avery's parents have done a lot for SMA research and education.  They would like for any donations at this time be sent to the link below to support Dr. Kaspar's research.  Avery's goal was to reach $1,000,000 and she is nearing in on that goal.  Let's help her mark that off the list.

Click here to donate to Dr. Kaspar's SMA Gene Therapy through Sophia's Cure which is a non-profit organization so all donations are tax deductible.

Donations can also be made to http://www.fightsma.org

Be sure to read more about Avery at the links below.